mercoledì 26 ottobre 2011

Are we teased up by all the world?

Three days ago I asked to myself this question. I was watching television news when I saw that in Bruxelles during a conference, the president of Germany and the one of France started laughing about the Italian plans for the economical development. It make me so angry because Italy is compared with Greece and with country in a deep crisis. These two presidents (you can se it in the video here reported) smiled evidently!!! Are Italians derided by people of other country? Are we a joke for all the countries? So I thought that when English or German or French people want to tell a joke to their friends, they talked about Italians! Obviously Angela Merkel and Nicolas Grancozy...ehm pardon...Sarcozy said that there was a misunderstandind. According to them they smiled because they were indecided about who had to talk at first! RUBBISH! I didn't belive in it! It's to easy denying and saying that "there was a misanderstanding": also our Public Education Minister said the same thing when she talked about the gallery (long 700 kilometres) that connected Ginevra to the Gran Sasso ("I'd written well, you've misunderstood!"); or our LOVELY president Berlusconi in Ruby's scandal said: "I only wanted to do something good to a poor lady!"
In short I don't want to be considered an incapable person if people that govern Italy aren't dependable!

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